Okay, here we go! Here’s your treat for today!
Get Making it with the Mercenary free!
This story has a special spot in my heart because of how earnest Theo is. He just wants to get laid, just wants to get out of the space station he’s rotting away in, just wants someone to *see* him for once, as someone worth looking at.
Theo is a character type I love, a young man wanting to find out what he’s going to be. And Angel is a dangerous older man who cannot be trusted. Uh…yeah, that’s catnip for me. Can you tell? ^_^
Feature image: Original Photo by Jeffrey Czum from Pexels
I really enjoyed this one, Robin. I like to imagine Theo and Angel together, exploring other planets–and each other!
Thank you! It’s so exciting discovering new (to me) reads from you. I love everything you write.