Let’s play a game. Pick two (or more) of the gentlemen in this picture to fall in love, and tell me how they meet.
I love this game, because everyone has such different ideas of who and how its going down 😊
photo links
– Ana Nichita unsplash.com/photos/BI91NrppE38
– Deedee86 pixabay.com/photos/fine-looking-man-shirtless-brawny-3200164/
– Andrea www.pexels.com/photo/selective-focus-photo-of-man-wearing-black-turtleneck-top-with-jacket-on-road-837140/
– Nycolas FabrÃcio www.pexels.com/photo/man-with-curly-brown-hair-wearing-glasses-11113311/
– unsplash.com/photos/VHFnE1uz0wY