This is something a little different. Are you ready?
This is an excerpt from a possible pamphlet for Mistress Celestina’s. I thought you might find it entertaining 😀
Mistress Celestina’s Disciplinary Academy
“absolutum dominium; fortitudo obsequium”
Mistress Celestina’s Disciplinary Academy is nestled in the outskirts of Santa Rita’s Sun Hill district, a handsome mansion bound by lush gardens and a forbidding iron fence too tall to climb. It was once the property of the eccentric Adeline duBoir, a society rake known for her lavish and soirees where she entertained the finest of Santa Rita’s bohemian artists, poets, and musicians, and their scandalous patrons.
Now the mansion has been converted by Mistress Celestina into a school of Discipline, where for a modest tuition persons of any disposition can be molded into the finest of submissives and slaves. Mistress Celestina’s staff of reputable Dommes and Doms are only too keen to dispense whatever is necessary to unlock a student’s ardent submission, honing them into willing and eager vessels for their owners desires.
Students may be enrolled as day-students or borders, on a short or long-term basis. Single sessions as well as weekly or monthly programs are on offer, in addition to the long form study program, which is intended for the truly dedicated, or truly unrepentant.
Scholarships are available for exceptional applicants, possessed of the necessary qualities. Fees may be offset by services performed in the interest of the school, as necessary.
Events are held at regular intervals in which students may be required to display their progress for the edification of mistress Celestina’s guests. By special arrangement, private parties may be held in any of the school’s well-appointed venues: the conservatory, for large gatherings; the tea rooms, for intimate soirees; the dungeon, for more physical activities; or the dining hall, for formal occasions.
For more information, apply through the usual channels.
The Faculty
Head-Mistress Celestina is a graduate of the Forsythe Academy for Willful Ladies, and well known locally for her tireless work as an educator and taskmistress. She is an expert in all disciplines offered by the Academy.
Mistress Celestina is open to apprenticeships at this time, however she is not available for private tuition.
Monsieur Cravache is a master of the French school. His specialties include discipline, deportment, and sufferance. A strict disciplinarian, Monsieur expects the highest standards, and has no qualms about enforcing them.
Monsieur is not currently open to apprenticeships at this time, however by special arrangement he may accept the application of a private student.
Miss Liberty is the finest alumnus in the Academy’s history. Her skill with an implement is formidable, and once experienced not easily forgotten. Her specialties include discipline, sufferance, restraint, and humility.
Miss Liberty is currently accepting applications from interested apprentices. She is also available for private tuition, by special arrangement.
Master Gabriel is a consummate performer, with an unrivalled enthusiasm for aesthetic. His specialties include restraint, performance, transgression, and humility.
Master Gabriel is not currently open to apprenticeships at this time, however by special arrangement he may accept the application of a private student.
Mr Knox is the longest serving member of the faculty. A proponent of the strictest of High Protocol, Mr Knox specialises in deportment, etiquette, service, and silence.
Mr Knox is available by special appointment to assist in the organisation and execution of private functions. He does not take applications for apprentices nor private students.
The Academy offers classes in a variety of styles of submission. They can be taken as a complete course or as individual subjects, as available.
Current classes include deportment, discipline, restraint, sufferance, etiquette, performance, service, humility, transgression, and silence.
Taught by Monsieur Cravache, Mr Knox
The Art of Deportment encompasses the whole range of physical motions associated with submission. From proper positioning to proper motion, this class intends to impart a full understanding of the submissive’s body and how it must be controlled to create a pleasing affect. In the full program, slave positions and poses are covered in depth, however only a limited number are taught in the short program due to time constraints.
Taught by Monsieur Cravache, Miss Liberty
The Art of Discipline covers behaviour surrounding discipline and punishment. Students are disciplined in order to discover their limits and to give them a greater understanding of their responsibilities in receiving discipline.
Taught by Master Gabriel, Miss Liberty
The Art of Restraint explores the submissive’s ability to give up the autonomy of their bodily movements. Various methods are demonstrated and endured, from Shibari to the stocks, and limits will be tested. (Students must disclose any physical limitations upon enrollment.)
Taught by Monsieur Cravache, Miss Liberty
The Art of Sufferance, a sister to the Art of Discipline, delves into what can be endured when it must be endured. Students are challenged to suffer at the hands of our most skilled sadists, and pushed to find within themselves the strength to accept suffering without complaint.
Taught by Mr Knox
The Art of Etiquette lays out the correct and proper behaviour for submissives in High and Low Protocol environments. It also covers the correct manner in which conduct oneself at several traditional styles of event. This course is designed to give the submissive a sense of security surrounding their behaviour, to relieve the burden of uncertainty.
Taught by Master Gabriel
The Art of Performance deals with exhibitionism and display. Students are encouraged to shed fears regarding body image or reception, and instead to revel in exposure. They are also trained in how best to display themselves for the gratification of voyeuristic audiences, and when it is and is not appropriate to indulge in performance.
Taught by Mr Knox
The Art of Service details the protocol of serving a Dominant. Not limited to the practice alone, this class explores what it means to serve, and how to devote oneself to the needs of another. A range of tasks are discussed and demonstrated. For particular task types, please specify on enrollment.
Taught by Master Gabriel, Miss Liberty
The Art of Humility provides the student with the experience of humiliation and acceptance. Students are encouraged to act out scenes of humiliation, indulge their feelings of shame and self-disgust, and embrace them.
Taught by Master Gabriel
The Art of Transgression is an adjunct to the Art of Humility, exploring those acts which are not physically degrading yet provoke strong reactions in submissives when forced upon them. Students are encouraged to roleplay, and stretch their limits. They may find themselves attracted to a role they had not considered for themselves.
Taught by Mr Knox
The Art of Silence is part of slave training, however all submissives can benefit from it. The philosophy behind it is that a slave should be seen and not heard. This class enforces silence, guiding students into the acceptance of their own invisibility. The student is encouraged to give themselves over to the helplessness of silence, and thus silence must be voluntary. However, gags and other devices may be used for disciplinary purposes as required.
I hope that was fun for you! I definitely had fun making it ^_^
Feature image: Original Photo by Nothing Ahead from Pexels
This is fabulous, Robin! I bet it was fun to do. Love the faculty photos, and the well-worded course descriptions! Thank you!
Thank you! It was great to see a visual of Mistress Celestina’s Academy and to learn of all the courses they offer.